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Yes, cleaning the house and purging stuff is how I plan on spending some of my long weekend.

I am hoping to get most of it done tomorrow because the boyfriend will be at work.  I never seem to get much done when he is home.  Anyone else have this issue?

I have let the house go since my bf moved in.  I was not prepared for the additional work I would have to do when the house size doubled (me, my kid, my bf and one of his kids) not to mention a 1.5 years ago when another of his kids came to live with us.

BTW, I don’t an issue with his kids at all, they are all good kids….and that seems hard to find these days.

I tend to be a little OCD and not being able to achieve this in the same time it use to had me just ignoring the issue….so yea, I need to do some deep cleaning to get it where I want it.

What are you doing this weekend?
How should I reward myself for doing a job well done????

I am trying to stay away from food rewards because I am trying to get to healthy, normal eating…….I am typically a food rewarder and tend to be an emotional eater so I am trying to consciously NOT do that anymore.  It took me quite a while to understand what I have been doing and it is SO hard to undo.  I never thought it would be this hard.  But I am trying!