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A month ago today, my boyfriend told me that he was moving out.  We had been together for a little over 4 years and living together for a little over 3 years.  I was in shock…..I was scared……I was wondering what I did wrong…..then…..I was relieved.  I love him so very much, but for a while now, I have known that it wasn’t right…..but I was trying to make it work.  I am so happy that he was brave enough to make the first move.  I am now very happy to be his friend.  I miss him, but only as you would miss a friend.

I am now back to being active in my church like I want to be.  He never told me not to go or anything, but since he didn’t go, I slacked off.  I am back among the ladies at church that make me smile.  I am getting older (I turned 48 this year) so I am scared that I might never find the man who will sweep me off of my feet and take care of me the way I will take care of him……but that is okay.

I have faith that God will either send the right man my way or he will take care of me himself.

My heart still hurts a little bit for my ex-bf….but I still know it was the right thing for both of us.